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Travel Troubles: How to Handle Common Illnesses on the Go


According to the latest data providedby the UN world Tourism Organization,the number of international tourists iscontinuously increasing. For the travellers.long term air travel may cause deepvein thrombosis. In addition,heat illness, sun exposure.and diarrhea problemsare also very common.

Heat lllness

Your chances of getting heat-related ilinessduring travel depend on your destination,.activities, level of hydration. Learn how toprevent and treat heat-related illness.

Follow These Tips toStay Safe in the Heat

  • Drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids.

  • Wear sunscreen with SPF 15 or higherand reapply every two hours or followinstructions on the package.

  • Wear a hat and sunglasses.

  • Wear loose, lightweight, light-coloredclothing.

  • Rest often and try to stay in the shadewhen outdoors.

Symptoms of heat-relatedillness include:

  • excessive thirst

  • profuse sweatingheadache

  • dizziness or confusion

  • nausea

lf you or anyone you are traveling with hasthese symptoms, get out of the sun immediatelyand try to cool off with a fan, air conditioning.

or by getting in cool water.Also, drink cool, non-alcoholicbeverages such as water orsports drinks with electrolytes.

Sun Exposure

When you are outdoors.your UV exposureis prolonged. You are at risk for bothsunburns and sun damage.Learn how totreat the sunburn during travel below.

  • Take aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofento relieve pain, headache, and fever.

  • Drink plenty of water.

  • Use a topical moisturizing creamor aloe to provide additional relief.

  • lf your skin blisters, lightly bandage or coverthe area with gauze to prevent infection.Do not break blisters as that would slowhealing and increase your risk of infection.Apply antiseptic ointment if blisters break.

Seek medical attention if you have asevere sunburn, especially if it covers morethan 15% of your body, are dehydratedhave a high fever, or arein extreme pain thatlasts more than 48 hours.

Travelers' Diarrhea

Diarrhea is rarely serious or life-threateningbut it can make a trip very unpleasant.

Learn some ways to treattravelers' diarrhea

  • Drink lots of fluids

lf you get diarrhea, drink lots of fluids to stayhydrated.In serious cases of travelersdiarrhea, oral rehydration solution.

  • Only take antibiotics if needed

lf you take antibiotics, take them exactly asyour doctor instructs.lf severe diarrheadevelops soon after you return fromyour trip, see a doctor and ask forstool tests

Article contributed by Dr. Lei Cai, General Practitioner of Parkway.

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