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Jump Into the Bump of Maternity by Getting Good Oral Health



Mouth is a mirror to the whole body and not just only savouring gateway to culinary treats. Dental caries and periodontitis have been known to be silent epidemic which has remained undiagnosed and untreated. Becoming a mother is  one of the life’s most precious gift. 

This journey of motherhood from the time one fits into maternity attire  is filled with many physical health  and emotional challenges due to altered harmones. The prenatal care is the need of an hour for all the to be Moms.

The world has been well aware of the routine maternity care at prenatal check up centre and catering the special needs of mother and child (foetus) in wombs.The modern day healthcare demands the integration of preventive oral care during prenatal checklist care.

The literature research indicates that preventive oral care during pregnancy reduces the incidence of oral diseases and contributes to the positive impact on womans oral health, well being and quality of life. There are many clinical surveys across the world which reveal many woman do not seek dental check up during pregnancy, despite experiencing symptoms and signs mouth diseases. 

During pregnancy, there are various chances for the occurences of oral diseases as follows:

  • Gingivitis (Inflammation of gums) due to various harmonal changes. If gums not treated, the bone that supports the teeth can be lost leading to loose teeth causing Periodontitis;

  • Dental caries due to dietery changes - increased snacking due to cravings, increased acidity in the mouth due to vomiting episodes leading to dry mouth or poor oral hygiene;

  • Dental erosions in the mouth can also be detected in pregnant women emerging from frequent episodes of morning sickness with vomitings;

  • Pyogenic granuloma has also been noticed in few pregnant women due to harmonal changes. It is a round growth connected to gingiva by a cord of tissue.

During pregnancy the oral microflora is altered with bacteria namely Prevotella Intermedia. The gum diseases like periodontitis in pregnant women has also been asssociated with poor pregnancy outcomes,including pretrm birth and low birth weight.

How should we avoid oral infections during the Bump of Maternity ?

  • To encourage to maintain good oral hygiene by twice tooth brushing using flouride tooth paste;

  • To have a proper oral health assessment with inclusion of prenatal check list;

  • All dental treatments are safe during pregnancy before the severity of oral disease increases;

  • Good acquinatance and knowledge of good maternal oral health can avoid early childhood caries in  infants and toddlers.

All primary care, maternity and peadiatric care health providers should join hands together to spark the emphasis on oral health care as a part of prenatal check up to protect not only the new moms but also protect oral health of their infants. Hence, the supportive and integrated preventive oral health care play a significant role for the women who jump into the bump of maternity.

Article contributed by Dr. Rajesh Sardana Sapra, Dentist of Parkway.