Back to school | How to prevent Hand Foot Mouth Disease
PARKWAY 百汇医疗 It seems every year there is a large incident of HFM disease among the preschools and kindergartens in Shanghai. This has closed school down, and kids are quarantined at home. So this is an article explaining the disease, how to treat it, and what to do to not catch it. 1. Why are young kids the main targets of HFM disease? Young kids can get HFMD from: contact with respiratory droplets from coughing or sneezing close contact, such as kissing, hugging, sharing cups or playing touch objects or surfaces that have the virus on them, like toys, doorknobs, then touch eyes, nose and mouth As we know, it is hard for infants and toddlers to keep social distance. They also love to crawl on the ground and put their fingers in their mouths. In addition, their immature immune systems render them more susceptible to the virus. 2. What can parents do to prevent an outbreak at their child’s kindergarten? Wash hands: keep in mind to wash the hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds, especially after using the toilet or changing diapers and before preparing food and eating. Good hygiene: avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. Cover the nose and mouth when cough and sneezing. Disinfect frequently touched surfaces and common areas, such as toys, doorknobs: First with soap and water then with diluted solution of chlorine bleach and water because the virus can live on these objects for days. Separate people who are infected: avoid close contact (kissing, hugging) . Not to share cups, eating utensils, towels etc for several weeks. Children who get HFMD should stay home from school, kindergarten, child care or play group for 2 weeks and until all the fluid in the blisters has dried. 3. How serious is HFM disease for kids and for adults? Usually HFMD is not serious. The illness is usually a minor illness and nearly all patients recover in 7 to 10 days without medical treatment. Complications are uncommon. However, the pain sores in the mouth may make child eats and drinks unwell for a few days, as well as the fever. Rarely, in a small number of Enterovirus 71 infected cases, the virus may involve the brain and cause the infected person viral meningitis and encephalitis. 4. Is the vaccination important? Vaccination is an important tool to control outbreaks of HFMD. Enterovirus 71 (EV71) vaccine targets the major pathogen that caused severe HFMD and hospitalizations. It is a China developed shot and has been available in China since 2016. The efficacy of EV71 vaccine after two doses immunization ranges from 90.0% to 97.4% after one year of surveillance to 95.1% after two-year follow-up. However, it should be noted that this vaccine will only help protect against HFMD caused by EV71. But you can reduce the chance of passing on HFMD by practicing good hygiene and teaching your child how to keep away from the virus. Article contributed by Dr. Branny Jiang, pediatrician of Parkway.